– How to get married in Bermuda?
To have your wedding in Bermuda only involves a few things:
1) The “Notice of Intended Marriage” form
2) Filing Fees – US $341
The form must be filled out in full and received by the Registrar General’s office at least 15 days prior to the wedding and it is valid for you to have your wedding at any date up to 3 months after the license has been issued.
The “Notice of Intended Marriage” form must be filed with the Government of Bermuda along with a form of payment (bank draft or cashier’s check) for the filing fees, which are a total of US $341 (includes your wedding certificate which is available 15 days after your wedding). The payment must be made payable to the Accountant General, Hamilton, Bermuda. The returned form must be printed on a white legal size paper if mailed in (8.5″ x 14″).
If either one of the couple has had a divorce or is widowed, they must submit a clear copy of identification (driver’s license or passport) along with certified copies of the final divorce decrees or death certificate.
Download the Notice of Intended Marriage form.
Government Registrar Contact Number: 441 297 7709 and 441 297 7707
Address the form to:
Registrar General
Government Administration Building
30 Parliament Street
Hamilton HM 12, Bermuda
You, someone you designate, or one of our wedding planners, may pick up your license at the Registrar’s Office once it is complete. The entire process will take at least 15 days after the Government receives everything.
– Is a wedding in Bermuda legal anywhere in the world?
Yes, a Bermuda marriage certificate is legal worldwide.
Our dedicated wedding planners will help you with this process every step of the way.
– What are the available wedding locations in Bermuda?
Bermuda’s powdery, pink & white beaches, restaurants, terraces, and parks all with stunning ocean views, caves, churches, and so much more. To help you with ideas, here is a list of possible wedding locations in Bermuda.
– Can I come to Bermuda on a cruise ship and get married on the island?
Yes! Arrive to Bermuda in the afternoon and get married at sunset at one of Bermuda’s beautifully scenic locations.
– I want to bring my own flowers and bouquets, is that possible?
Wedding bouquets and other flower arrangements may be purchased in Bermuda, or shipped in from a wholesaler, as long as they have been cleared through agriculture. Flowers cannot though be brought into or taken out of Bermuda by plane or ship.
– And what about witnesses to our marriage, are they required in Bermuda?
Two witnesses at your ceremony are required to make the marriage legal, and they must be over the age of 18. We will happily supply witnesses if necessary.
– Can I bring my own minister?
Yes, contact us though to provide you with the required paperwork needed.
– Do you have Rabbis on the island?
Bermuda has a Rabbi on the island, and we can help you coordinate a marriage with them.
– What about a Catholic wedding in Bermuda?
Bermuda’s local Catholic Priests perform wedding ceremonies in a Catholic Church only. To learn more, you will need to talk directly to a local priest. Our wedding planners will assist with introducing you to a priest.
– Can I have a Non-Denominational Minister at my ceremony?
Yes, but your wedding ceremony will have to be performed at the Registry General’s Office. You can have your ceremony at a different location throughout the island performed by a minister who will not dress in their traditional religious clothing, but formal wear instead.